
心情:想說還是認真的過生活吧~ 人什麼時後會離開世界 天知阿?聽聽看不一樣的歌聲 你會發現快樂其實是很容易的   喜歡他隨性的獨特唱腔 光聽聲音不看人 很難猜他的年紀....最近才認識他 很年輕的蘇格蘭歌手 有人說 Candy這首歌很適合婚禮上伴奏! Paolo Giovanni Nutini生於1987年1月9日,一名出色的蘇格蘭創作歌手很有趣的是 聽他的歌聲 你會不會覺得很欠打 可是耳朵也忍不住要整首聽完 真有又愛又恨的感覺  ~呵 呵 ~th_4.gif

 Candy By PAOLO NUTINI Jools Holland 09(很好聽的一首鄉村搖滾樂)





Autumn leaves under frozen souls,
Hungry hands turing soft and old,
My hero crying as we stood out their in the cold,
Like these autumn leaves I dont have nothing to hold.

Handsome smiles wearing handsome shoes,
Too young to say, though I swear he knew,
And i hear him singing while he sits there in his chair,
While these autumn leaves float around everywhere.

And I look at you, and I see me, Making noise so restlessly,
But now its quiet and I can hear you sing,
'My little fish dont cry, my little fish dont cry.'

Autumn leaves how fading now,
That smile that ive lost, well ive found some how,
Because you still live on in my fathers eyes,
These autumn leaves, all these autumn leave,
all these autumn leaves are yours tonite.


他雖年紀很輕 但創作歌曲的曲風 感覺偏向復古樂曲的創新風味~Pop rock, Blue eyed soul,folk, blues, Easy Listening,等早期西洋流行樂的融合又配上他那帶點頹廢的歌聲 讓他的歌迷群能迅速漫延至各年齡層. 他讓人覺得音樂沒有一定的形式 何必硬要界定 只要我喜歡有何不可 所以感覺創作的風格會有些無厘頭 每一首歌好像都會有驚喜的感覺 也算是挺受歡迎的賣座歌手.




Worried Man (2010)


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