
這幾天聽 Lisa Ekdahl 歌聲~感覺很有渡假的庸懶感挺不錯地...初聽到她的歌聲是" Give Me That Slow Nowing Smile "這首歌 很舒服的Jazz 民謠音樂曲風 ,1971生於Stocknolm 念的是音樂18歲時曾在Jazz club演唱,1994年以一首"Vem Vet"拿下瑞典單曲榜冠軍Lisa Ekdahl以她甜美近乎童音的唱腔 和傳統Jazz歌手多半是低沉厚實嗓音迥然不同 迅速在瑞典掀起一陣旋風,每張專輯的表現都相當亮眼..

1994年一舉摘下三座瑞典葛萊美大獎包括『年度最佳流行女歌手』、『年度最佳專輯』與『年度搖滾藝人』等三大獎項,與當時已經紅遍全球的『王牌合唱團』(Ace Of Base)、『羊毛衫合唱團』(The Cardigans)同為瑞典在地最暢銷,最受歡迎的藝人。


Give Me That Slow Nowing Smile 

Music: Lisa Ekdahl

I'm on my hands and knees
searching every corner for my lost heart and soul
Hear me begging please
I'm searching every corner for my lost heart and soul

Now give me that Slow knowing smile
Like someone who may know their way
Give me that Slow knowing smile
That may make wanna say hey hey hey hey
Give me that Slow knowing smile
Give it to me
Give me that Slow knowing smile
Give it to me

I tell you what I do
I'm searching every corner for what I know is mine
I tell you what is true
My heart and my soul is what I need to find

Give me that Slow knowing smile
Like someone who knows where to go
Give me that Slow knowing smile
That may make me wanna say oh oh oh oh

Give me that Slow knowing smile
Give it to me
Give me that Slow knowing smile
Give it to me

Give it to me
Give me that
Slow knowing smile


I Will Be Blessed  

If the sun
Refused to shine
Down on me
'Till the end of time
As long as i have your caress
Your tenderness
I will be blessed

If the stars
Refused their light
Just for me
They stayed out of sight
If you say you love me best
I won't care less
I will be blessed

If the wind won't blow your name
Until i'm still
I will
If it's whispered from above
The highest hill
I will

If the moon
Up in the sky
Turned its face
From the lonely eye
I could never be distressed
Or love you less
I will be blessed

JC_cupidgirl.gif th_9.gif 

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